The Myth about CHEATING

Human as we are, we are prone to so many things. Get this at the back of your mind and know that without God's grace and self discipline you can't avoid certain lapses. 

The fact that you genuinely love someone doesn't make you immune to being attracted to someone else. There's always someone richer, more beautiful/handsome and loving than your partner, so definitely you will get attracted to another person besides your partner. Understand that this is human nature and so you need God's grace and self discipline to help you remain faithful to your partner. 

Avoid entertaining people you find tempting, discipline your self and don't tolerate the initial "harmless" flirts and sexual tensions. Don't encourage a trend of sexual advances from someone who isn't your partner, cause remember cheating doesn't start in the bedroom/guesthouse. It start with the little "you are very sexy" "I enjoy your company" "looking forward to our next lunch date". It seems nice to have such relations when it looks harmless but trust me, you can never tell where it can lead to IF tolerated. It's never worth what you lose in return. 

Don't lose the love of your life and your peaceful family to lack of self-discipline and over-confidence, thinking you can't CHEAT. But the fact is EVERYONE is prone to CHEATING. 

For the sake of your marriage, learn to discipline yourself and not fall into these "harmless" traps. Just be wise and flee from such temptations like the Bible said!! God help us all. 🙏🏾

Counselor Kwesi 🤵🏾


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