A Woman is like an INCUBATOR (Receiver)

A woman is an incubator; everything that you give a woman she incubates and gives it back. To incubate means; to give life, to multiply and to give something back. 

Incubators never keep anything,they may hold it for a while, but you will eventually get it back, but it won't come back the way you gave it. So whatever you give a woman, you gonna get it back multiplied. She's not the source of anything, whatever you're getting from her is what you're giving her. 

She's just multiplying and giving it back to you, so if you give her a house; she'll give you a home, if you give her groceries; she'll give you a meal, if you give her a sperm; she'll give you a baby, you give her frustration: she'll give you hell. 

If you don't like what you are getting from her, change what you are giving her. If a woman is always talking to negative people, incubating negative information about men and marriage from friends and family; she will start treating her husband negative and start  being suspicious. Whatever a wife receives she dumps it on her husband. 

Women are built to receive, they are receivers by design and men are natural built to give, givers by nature. So be cautious on the information you feed your wife, the kind of friends she hung out with. Learn to empower your woman, give her the right things to incubate. Give her affection, love and attention; let her feel needed and valuable. You have more to gain if you give her your best. 

Your wife is a reflection of your image. 

Counselor Kwesi 🤵🏾


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