Dealing with Temptation

I have come to understand that the best and most effective way of not falling into temptation, eventually leading to sin, is NOT TO GET CLOSE TO IT in the FIRST PLACE.
Don't open the browser at all knowing that at that moment your thoughts are filled with lusts. Don't try to prove a hardcore, telling yourself, "I won't fall...I'm good and strong this time..." Dare it and you will see yourself watching pornography, and shocked at yourself masturbating to satisfy the lust of the flesh.

Don't visit him or her at all. What shows it will different this time when the previous times have proven that fornication was inevitable? Dare it and you will find yourself confessing in guilt and blames.

You WALK AWAY from anything that threatens your freedom.
Is it an app? UNINSTALL it!
Is it a browser? DELETE it!
Is it the internet? DISCONNECT it!
Is it some guy? AVOID him!
A certain lady? Give yourself some break.
Is it a relationship? SEPARATE for a while and seek the Lord. Make yourselves accountable to your authorities (biological parents and spiritual parents).
And eventually, if the relationship can't continue, break it! That is, at worst.
Involve your spiritual authorities and seek counsel if the need be for a break up.

Is it a smart phone? Use a "yam" until you are strong enough and have gained enough roots in purity.
Is it a music that turn you on? What is that music still doing on your playlist? DELETE it!
Is his visiting going to make you fornicate? Tell him you're out of home even when you are sleeping and relaxing, or meet him somewhere far from home and private places.
Nobody has sex in the open at the mall; at least, not for now. In the open where will you fornicate? Woodin or Shoprite? Take her out and hang around the mall!
Insist on your will and say NO!
Does he likes talking dirty? Warn him and don't feel shy or guilty about it.
If he still continues, BLOCK him even when you are crying secretly. After all, if you truly love him, you will block him to save him. e no bi so?
Don't call "seducing him" an act of love. It is NOT!
Don't allow him to fondle you in the name of love. That has a name; it is called LUST!
If he insists or she insists, tell him or her that, "My parents in the Lord will know about this!" And let him know about.
Jesus didn't wait to turn the stone into bread before exercising self control. No! He just refused to start the process at all. SIMPLE!
But us?! What do we do?

We wait till erections know no turning back before we think of finding a way to prevent adultery.
We wait till our libidos burn hot with passions then we start praying in tongues. Lady! Why do now pretend to starve your urges? After you have teased it, encouraged it and showed it that there is "food"? You think it will listen? Ah! If you were those urges, would you have said "no" having been teased with food that long?
We wait till the stone have been turned into bread to exercise self control. Will it work?
We wait till our heads are stuck on elevated breasts before we seek to exercise self control. Will it work?
We wait till his hands have explored "far and near", browsing mountains, swimming in valleys, dodging hills and falling in ditches, then we think of retrieving. Will it work?
We don't overcome sin with sin. Enough of the excuses, people of God. There are deeper depths in Christ. Let's leave behind these carnal things. Let's pray for each other to succeed and overcome. Let's keep each other in prayer and in fellowship. We all need it.
Positive confessions are powerful. They are very necessary in exercising victory over every situation. But as you confess, take the steps to remain in your liberty.

I look forward to your testimonies, people! It is possible to live a week, a month, a year and forever without fornication, pornography, masturbation, or any sexual immorality.
You are the one I'm talking about. Yes, you!
Praise God!



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