Why are you in a relationship ?

Every  friendship should  have  a purpose  and  every relationship  should have  a  focus. The focus  of  every relationship should be marriage. You have  no  business being  in  a relationship  with someone  if  you know  you  are  not going  to  marry  the  person. You need  to  have  the right  focus  why  you  want  to  be  in  a  relationship  with someone, and  the focus  should  be because  you  want to  marry  the person.

It  is  so  sad  that  a lot  of  people  are  in a  relationship  for wrong  reasons, some  are  in  a relationship because  they  feel lonely and  they need  someone  to be with,  others  are in  a  relationship  for sex,  some  also  are in  a  relationship  for fun,  many  too  are  in  a  relationship because  all  their friends  are  in  a relationship  and they  feel  left  out, some  people  too are  in  a  relationship because  someone  is  putting  pressure on  them  so  they decide  to  be  in  a relationship.  But  all  these  are  the  wrong reasons  to  be  in  a relationship.

It   amazes  me sometimes  to  see people  in  a relationship  with  a married  man  or woman, but  the question  is,  what business  do  you have  dating somebody's husband  or  wife ? This  is  not  the life  of  a  responsible, matured  person. Have  the  right focus  for  being  in a  relationship. Don't  start something  with the  intention  of not   finishing, if you  know  you  are not  going  to continue  and  finish  then  don't start  it  at  all.

Be  a  responsible person,  may  be  you are reading this article, and  you know  you  are  in  a  wrong relationship, is time  to  quit  and  come  of  such unhealthy relationship  which does  not  have  a future.  I  mostly  tell  ladies,  when  a guy  or  a  man come  into  your  life, there  are  two things  you  should find  out  from  him. Whether he  has  a plan  for  your  life or  he  want  to  play  with  your  life. This  man  or guy  who  claim  to be  in  love  with  you,  does  he  want to  make  an honourable  woman out  of  you,  to  be his  wife  and  the mother  of  his children ?

If  you  are  a  guy  who  is  fun  of  using  ladies  and  dumping  them,  is time  for  you  to  stop and  repent. Some  guys  are  so  proud  of  how  they  use ladies  and  dump  them, but  that's  a foolish  thing  to  do, there  is  no  sense  in  that  at  all. The  bible  says,  you  will  reap  what  you  sow, so  if  you  are reading  this  today, is  because  God want  you  to  repent. Women  are  not  sex  toy or  object that  must  be  use and  dump  at  will,  it  is  so  sad  that when  some  men  see  women,  all  they  see  is  breast, buttock  and  sex. But  women  are unique  beings created  by  God  to be  a  blessing  to men  and  the  world, so  as  a  man,  see  women  beyond  sex  object.

Are  you  in  a relationship  with the  right  person ? Is  your relationship  headed  for marriage  or  you  just want to have fun ? If  you  are  in  a  relationship  with someone,  is  time for  both  of  you  to  define  that relationship. Ask yourself, why  are you  in  that relationship ? is  it for  the  right  reason, if not, is time  to  quit, if you  are  also  in  a sexual  relationship, is  time  to  say  no  to sex and  come  out of  such  relationship and  live  pure  and  clean  before  God.

If  you  are  in  a relationship  with someone  and  you know  you  want  to get  married,  you have  to  set  a  Godly  boundary around  that relationship  and know  your  limits. Don't  tread  on dangerous  grounds. As  a  lady, the  fact  that  he  is  going  to  marry  you  does  not  mean you should  be  sleeping  over  his  place,  that's  a wrong  thing  to  do. Some  of  you  know  it's  wrong  but  you  still  do  it  in  the  name  of  proving  him  your  love,  stop  that  If  in case  you visit  him  and  it's  late, then  if  he  has a  car  let  him  drive  you  home,  if  he doesn't  then  he should  call  for  a  taxi  for  you  to  go home. Never  sleep over  a  guy's  place  who  is  not  yet  married  to  you. Show  yourself  a little  dignity, honour  and respect.
The  Worst  Feeling Is  When  after  He Leaves  You  To Marry  Someone Else.


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