Hello there! This is W.O.R.D!

Once upon a time, I came across a man who, I found, had more hope than the Black Star has for Africa. He was planning on building an ark bigger than Noah's when all he was good at was hammering, and nothing. Just when he realized I was about to condemn his fantasy, he told me, "Any man that judges a work by the look at the start of it can send a blind man to prison for looking where his rights don't permit him to."

What's the point? If it's going to be great, you must not have all it takes when you begin. What it takes is what is important, and that's hope. In fact, the requirements for great achievements are the limitations, and incapabilities at their genesis. So give it a break. If it's not yielding, remember it doesn't take a plant seconds to grow. If its fruitfulness is taking forever, remember the trees with deepest roots are tallest. If you feel you're down already, remember that situations are seasonal, and "When you're at the bottom, there's nowhere else to go but the top" - The Daily CharaVan. -- The self assuredness that you'll get to your destination. You don't need to know the way there. Nature has an attitude of handing the keys to the doors to men of Hope.

You need the darkness, so you can test how alive the candle of the hope that leads you is. So give your perseverance an abacus; let it count. I don't believe Thomas Edison found a way to make the bulb work. I rather feel his persistence caused his failure to give up.


                        LOVE GOD


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