The Myth about True Love - Does it Exist!!

Most of us are wondering if true love really exist but then I believe the question is; "does Agape & Pragma Love exist?". Because Eros, Storge, Philia & Philautia do exist and are the most common love to feel. 

The true love which we seek is a combination of these types of love. It's rare to find partners who can mutually exhibit all these types. 
Let me simplify these types of love for our understanding: 

*Agape Love* is the Godly love Christ asks us to show to all race, irrespective of the emotions we have towards them. This love comes by choice, it's a personal decision one needs to make and learn to develop such love towards mankind. 

*Pragma love* is matured love that exist between long lasting relationship. Pragma is about making compromises to help the relationship work over time, and showing patience and tolerance. Pragma is precisely about standing in love; making an effort to give love rather than just receive it.

But then *Eros* refers to the sexual passion & desire for another person. This is basically based on sexual attraction and emotions. 

*Storge* on the other hand is the love we feel towards our family. It's an uncontrollable and natural feeling bounded by blood. 

*Philia love* refers to the friendly love we feel for people. Friendship are built on this kind of brotherly love. 

*Philautia* is the love for oneself. Positively one should have admiration for his/her own self; this breeds self esteem, confidence among others. 

For True love to exist one must choice to love mankind unconditionally (Agape Love) and should also posses self love (Philautia). Eros love will make you attracted to your partner but it won't be enough without Pragma love, that's the type of love that will make your relationship survive. Philia Love is essential to the success of true love in a marital relationship, as both partners should be able to find companionship in each other. Storge love becomes a hallmark of true love, since your partner becomes more bounded with you and you build a family together. 

Most marital relationship lack these elements of true love which is essential to the success love story of any couple. Beloved, pray about your marriage daily and ask God to give you both the strength to love unconditionally. Cultivate the habit of Pragma love and never lose sight of the Eros love that already exist between you. 

May the good Lord help you experience this kind of love in your marital relationship. 

Counselor Kwesi 🤵🏾


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