How to Move on
Written By: Miss Anita Kathedra Nartey (@Anitaaaa_n)
Here we are, all living life, doing what the living do. Every one is going about his business until a beloved dies, and news is spread around, from one ear, to the other. The mouth doing it's duty spreading information concerning the great gathering. Those in shock are comforted in grief and encouraged to move on. But then it is never easy to really move on. You see, especially when the deceased has been a major part of one's life, it is not really easy to move on, that need to move on just disappears, the urge to continue life just vanishes, as if it left when death took that person away. Let's see how one can be helped to move on
1. Firstly, keep in mind the inevitability of death. Don't get me wrong, I never said wish death on others, but then keep in mind that we are mortals, bound to expire. What might surprise though might be the period or occasion this expiration occurs. The human mind is a powerful tool, thus as one keeps this at the back of his/her mind, it helps to deal with the grief and depression faster.
2. Try as much as possible to remember the positive deeds of the deceased, how he/she has influenced you positively, and live with it. To create happy memories for you and those around you about the deceased.
3. Pray a lot! Man has always felt this connection with the invisible force. Go ahead! It never hurts to speak to God. It helps every time.
4. Drink a lot of water and eat fruits. Let's forget about scientific studies, but it is a well known fact that water is one of the essential needs of the body. I bet you will lose your appetite during grief period, make it up by drinking lots of water and eating fruits, lots of them.
5. Stay with the living: Be surrounded by loved ones. You are needed by those around you. Inasmuch as it is appropriate to show grief when a loved one dies, keep in mind that the living needs you so that you don't spend too much mourning the dead. It is hard to let go, it is. But then there is a living heart waiting to hear from you, to see you and know you are there for her/him. Nobody is against your mourning but whilst you are busy mourning the dead, bear in mind that the living needs you, don't stray too far.
5. Get busy: Nobody ever promised that you getting busy, having a lot of hobbies will erase your grief completely, but hey! It can take your mind off depression for sometime as time goes about its healing business.
The long and short of this is, don't be too hard on yourself because you lost a dear one. Yes! death is inevitable, it doesn't mean life should not move on. Stop hating and drawing yourself back, it is time to move on! Reach greater heights and use good memories as push ups to a greater future. You are alive for a purpose, use it well. Till then, keep winning!!
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