THE AMBASSADRESS Beauty Pageant Audition In Cape Coast

THE AMBASSADRESS Beauty Pageant Project brings in a whole new level of educational and cultural development which has been specially designed for Educational Institutions across Ghana. This edition has been dubbed ”THE AMBASSADRESS OF CENTRAL” which will eventually be climaxed with a National event.
Xceed Limited has decided to embark on this project to first and foremost bring back the essential and fundamental values and dignity that beautified and upheld Ghanaian and African women in general, as one to behold and treated with respect. And also organize events and programs tailored to promote buying and selling for corporate Ghana.
The Idea of this project is to groom ladies from their maturity stage to establish in their young minds the sense of leadership, responsibility, dignity, a woman's command and awareness of the role of a beauty queen model. We strongly believe that through this project we can achieve our objective of raising the moral standards of the youth and reviving lost values and dignities of the African woman.

To participate in this event which is focused on all tertiary institutions in Central Region, download audition forms here (Click here to download) and pay an amount of Ghc 10.00 on submission. Contact for more info 0246244438.


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