Why Is it That ladies Seem To Prefer The ‘Bad Boys’ Over The ‘Good Guys’?

How many of you have heard the song ‘Good girls like bad guys’ by DMX? I never understood the concept of that tune when I was growing up. However, certain situations that have occurred around me with time has led me to one conclusion- that the ladies really do prefer the bad boys over the good guys.

Let me give you an example in order to highlight the point of this article. One of my best friends was dating her ex for around 4 years. I wouldn’t necessarily say that her ex was a bad boy in terms of personality- it’s just that he did not treat her well and certainly did not show her the same amount of respect that she was showing to him.

They broke up recently- well he dumped her BY TEXT- and my girl was heartbroken for months; when I say heartbroken I mean the kind of heartbreak that meant she didn’t even have the energy to get out of bed and face the day- just basically secluded herself from everyone.

She tried to patch things up with him so bad, yet every time she got on the phone to him, she would face the worst kind of expletive-laden verbal abuse ever! Yet, when the guy wanted sex, he would be on the phone to her and like a fool; she would go and cater to his needs.

She recently met a nice, handsome, decent hard-working guy who she seems to really like. Yet, whenever the ex calls her, she still feels the need to answer and cater to his every whim and desire.

As a friend, I could see that she was getting played, and I think deep down she knew it herself, but I don’t understand why she found it so hard to cut loose the strings of her ex. I asked her outright why she was prepared to let such a good guy out of her grip just because of some wasteman. You know what her answer was- and I quote-: “…because I want to have fun, and I can’t do that with a good guy.”


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